In the picturesque landscapes of Burlington, VT, Play Dog Play stands as a testament to the commitment of a small business dedicated to providing top-notch care for four-legged companions. Established in 2008, the Canine Care Center, their primary facility, has been catering to up to 80 dogs daily across three groups. In 2015, the Training Center was added to offer a quieter environment for up to 35 dogs, focusing on enriching experiences and training-based socializations.
Play Dog Play prides itself on quality over quantity, recognizing each dog's individual needs and social preferences. With a team of around 20 employees spread across Burlington and South Burlington, the management's unwavering commitment to education and training ensures that every moment is an opportunity to enhance the well-being of the dogs in their care.
Lyra Anderson, Operations Manager with over a decade of dedication, encapsulates the company ethos: “My favorite aspect is our customers! To support the dogs in our care at our highest capacity, we have to coordinate with the people behind the dog!"
Seven years ago, Play Dog Play incorporated Gingr into its operations, and the results have been transformative. Gingr isn't just a storage tool; it's an efficient system that streamlines day-to-day activities, allowing the team more time to focus on their true passion – the dogs.
Gingr's streamlined and user-friendly interface has revolutionized how staff and customers interact with the pet-care center. Gingr doesn't just store information; it provides efficient systems that enhance the overall pet-care experience.
The various reports offered by Gingr have become invaluable to Play Dog Play. Quick compilation of information eliminates the need for manual searches, allowing the team to make data-driven decisions promptly. As Lyra suggests, “Peek around the reports prior to manually searching for the information."
Gingr's innovative features, like the icons functionality, have streamlined Play Dog Play's daily operations. What used to be a manual creation of dog groups each morning is now as simple as adding and updating icons, followed by a quick icons report. This efficiency has revolutionized their group management process.
In Lyra's words, “Gingr truly gives us an efficient system that streamlines our day-to-day." From accessible notes on the dogs in their care to remote reservation requests from clients, Gingr has become the backbone of Play Dog Play's operations. It ensures that the team has robust systems in place to handle every dog safely.
Play Dog Play's journey with Gingr is a testament to the positive impact technology can have on small businesses dedicated to providing exceptional pet care. With streamlined operations, efficient systems, and a continued focus on quality, Play Dog Play and Gingr together create an environment where dogs thrive, and customers become part of a community passionate about the well-being of their beloved pets.
Want to learn how Gingr can help your pet-care business? Get in touch!